About Us
Our goals
The Faculty envisions to be a renowned and respected world class Faculty of learning, research and innovation, constituting a centre point for positive socio-economic transformation of the University, immediate Community, Nigeria and the world at large.
The mission of the Faculty is to training of students and equipping them with relevant and up to date academic, life and human skills needed for positive transformation and socio-economic development of the nation.
Core Values
The core values of the Faculty are in line with that of the University; which are:
1. Integrity
2. Innovation
3. Excellence
- Department of Theatre Media and Arts [TMA]
- Departmet of Philosophy
- Department of Visual and Creative Arts [VCA]
- Departmet of Philosophy
- Department Of Arabic Studies
- Department of Christian Religious Studies [CRS]
- Department of English Language
- Department of French
- Department of History and International Studies
- Department of Islamic Religious Studies [IRS]
Deans profile
News Update

Welcome Address
I welcome you to the Faculty of Arts of the Federal University of Lafia. This is the Faculty of ideas and creativity. The Faculty the responds positively to the core values of the University at all times; these are integrity innovation and excellence. Faculty of Arts offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree in more than twenty (20) programmes domiciled in its nine (9) Departments. The Faculty is dynamic in the sense that Lecturers and students are drown from diverse religious, ethnic, geographical and academic backgrounds. You are welcome to the Faculty of peace were all the diverse people co-exist peacefully, respectfully and resolve conflicts amicably. You stand to gain a lot if join any of the programmes in the Faculty of Arts. The Faculty that has been severally recognised by the Vice Chancellor and the University community as the best Faculty of the University in terms of academic performance, sport activities and environmental safety and beautification.