About Us
The dire need for training teachers for the teaching of the teeming population of young people seeking admission into FULAFIA and other higher institutions necessitated the establishment of the Faculty of Education in the 2018/2019 session. The Faculty presently houses three departments: Library and Information Science, Special Needs and Rehabilitation Science, Vocational and Technical Education and Science Education.
Our goals
The philosophy of the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Lafia is directly hinged on the National Policy on Education which advocates inclusive education to build:
a. A free and democratic society
b. A Just and egalitarian society
c. A united, strong and self-reliant nation
d. A great and dynamic economy
e. A land of bright and full of opportunities for all citizens. (FRN 2012).
The vision of the Faculty is to be an excellent centre for training of teachers for positive socioeconomic transformation of Nigeria.
Training of graduates equipping them with skills for socio economic development.
Core Values
Respect for diversity and
The philosophy of the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Lafia is directly hinged on the National Policy on Education which advocates inclusive education to build:
a. A free and democratic society
b. A Just and egalitarian society
c. A united, strong and self-reliant nation
d. A great and dynamic economy
e. A land of bright and full of opportunities for all citizens. (FRN 2012).
The vision of the Faculty is to be an excellent centre for training of teachers for positive socioeconomic transformation of Nigeria.
Training of graduates equipping them with skills for socio economic development.
Core Values
Respect for diversity and
Deans profile
Josephine Egbor Odey is a Professor of English Language Education, specializing in Literacy and Reading. She holds a Ph.D. from Benue State University (2004); a Masters in Curriculum Studies (English Language & Literature in English (1990) and a B.Ed. English Language/Literature & Language Arts (1979) from University of Ibadan respectively. She is a trained facilitator and Organisational Development Expert and has, overtime gained additional professional knowledge in Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI), Sexual and Reproductive Rights (SRHRs) and Women and Adolescents Rights. She has, since 1993, been engaged in research, teaching and community engagements in addition to consulting for various local, national and international organisations. She is the pioneer Dean of the Faculty of Education, FULafia; chairs the Committee of Provosts, Deans and Directors as well as several other Senate committees. She also represented Congregation twice in the Council of FULafia from May,2015- October, 2023.
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Welcome Address
Greetings from the Faculty of Education, Federal University of Lafia. Though young, we have graduated our first set of student in LIS, VTE and Special Needs. We are committed to improving the quality of teachers, especially in our immediate constituency which is Middle Belt Nigeria so that the quality of candidates we admit into our higher institutions will also be better. The faculty (academic staff) are teachers who are committed and dedicated to teaching, research, and engagements with the community. The students outlook reflects our love for diversity and inclusiveness. For us “No one should be left behind”. We believe that through education, sustainable development can be achieved