FULafia V-C salutes workers as world marks International Labour Day

FULafia V-C salutes workers as world marks International Labour Day
On behalf of the Management of the Federal University of Lafia, (FULafia), I, Professor Shehu Abdul Rahman, wish to facilitate with the staff of our University on the occasion of the 2023 International Workers’ Day Celebration.
On this special day, I, especially, appreciate your efforts and thank you for your resilience, commitment and contributions to the development of FULafia.
Indeed, without your contributions, we would not have achieved the milestones we have reached since I assumed duty as the third vice-chancellor of this great University.
With your cooperation, our University is steadily being repositioned to be the fifth best in Africa. I, therefore, urge workers to continue to work in partnership with my administration to achieve our desired goal.
It is important to state that since I assumed office in February 2021, my administration has continued to pay attention to issues of workers’ welfare, especially in the areas of promotion, training, upgrading, and placement of staff to make them function optimally in their various units and departments.
We have also continued to provide a secure and conducive environment for effective and efficient office administration, teaching and learning
Today, as the world celebrates the efforts of workers, globally, the Management of FULafia joins in wishing you happy celebrations.
Professor Shehu Abdul Rahman
Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Lafia (FULafia)
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