FULafia V-C accepts blueprint on professorial address

FULafia V-C accepts blueprint on professorial address
|By Musa Ishaq
The Chairperson of the Professorial Inaugural Lecture Committee, Professor Josephine Egbor Odey, has submitted the blueprint for professorial inaugural lecture to the Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Lafia (FULafia), Professor Shehu Abdul Rahman.
Professor Odey, while presenting her committee’s report, said that an inaugural lecture represents a significant milestone in an academic’s career, celebrating their promotion to the rank of professor.
She said that professorial inaugural speech “also helps create a wider awareness of the benefits of the University’s teaching and research.”
According to her, an inaugural lecture is an occasion of significance in an academic staff member’s career at the University, adding: “Inaugural lectures provide newly appointed professors with the opportunity to inform colleagues, the campus community and the general public of their work to date, including current research and future plans.”
Accepting the report, the vice-chancellor, who was visibly happy with the committee’s work, said that “now we have a guideline for professorial inaugural lecture in the University.”
Abdul Rahman emphasised the need to have the blueprint so that the University can have a working guide in every activity and set a standard for Federal University of Lafia in terms of the format, content, duration and the mode of presentation of inaugural lecture.
He applauded the committee members for the successful performance of the recently concluded second inaugural lecture.
It would be recalled that the committee organised a workshop for professors and senior academics on Wednesday July 7, 2021, with a view to kick-starting inaugural lecture series in the University and set acceptable guidelines regarding content, format and protocol of the lecture event.
The outcome of the workshop was the blueprint which was approved by the University Senate in its 61st Regular Meeting held on July 29, 2021.
During the workshop, Professor Shehu Abdul Rahman presented a paper titled: “An Overview, Content and Format of an Inaugural Lecture: Message to Professors and other Academics in Federal University of Lafia.”
While Professor Philip Dayo presented another paper on “Protocol and Mode of Inaugural Lecture Presentation at FULafia.”
Professor Josephine Odey presented a paper on “Literature Review and Referencing Style.”
According to Abdul Rahman “inaugural lecture is one of the hallowed traditions of the academia,” adding: “It is an occasion of significance in the career of academics because it provides them with an unprecedented opportunity to showcase their research, innovation, engagement and teaching activities before members of the university community and general public.
“The right of passage to become a professor in a university has for hundreds of years included the test of having to profess your knowledge to a lay audience and fellow academics. Indeed, the origin of the title ‘professor’ comes from the need to profess, or declare publicly, one’s knowledge.”
“In a world of rapidly increasing quantities of knowledge, more and more specialisation takes place. One danger of this trend is that knowledge becomes isolated and therefore fails to benefit from collective thinking and cross-pollination of ideas. It is in this context that we must see the challenge of professing knowledge with the general public and the larger academic community. It is no simple matter. It requires an ability to conceptualise highly technical and abstract matters and to express them in commonly used language, often through analogy, allowing people who have not had the privilege to grapple with the subject for extended periods to quickly grasp the elements at play.
“The Inaugural Lecture is thus a platform for newly appointed professors to share their brilliant discoveries, innovative ideas and deep insights with the public and the larger academic community. Additionally, these events allow for random connections to be made that are so beneficial for the creative process we call science. Professionals and academics gain a unique opportunity to engage across knowledge boundaries for the benefit of mankind.”
He said that Federal University of Lafia would be proud to host inaugural lectures.
He said: “Our esteemed professors should create and disseminate extensive knowledge capable of driving Nigeria and Africa towards improved social justice and a knowledge economy.
“For Departments, the event is a chance to recognise new Professors and host a celebratory event to bring department staff together. It also provides an opportunity for Departments to engage with broader audiences inside and outside University, to establish new collaborations, strengthen existing relationships and catch up with alumni.
“For the University, the inaugural lecture represents an essential component of the University’s public events. The Institution uses the occasion as an opportunity to engage with audiences with a broader interest in its research, including funders and decision makers from government, academia and industry.
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