Faculty of Computing

About Us
The faculty of computing is concerned with the analysis, design, and development of software and hardware systems for specific purposes. In particular, computing encompasses a broad-based exposure to the concepts, theories, technologies of computing, practices and experiences that are utilised for solving problems in all aspects of human endeavour through building safe, reliable, secure and resilient computer systems.
Our goals
Objectives Apply the principles and practices of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in the design and construction of computer-based systems; Advance the frontiers of computing by developing effective ways for solving computing problems; Prepare students to meet the computer technology needs of business, government, healthcare, schools, and other kinds of organisations; Provide training on integrating information technology solutions and business processes to meet the information needs of businesses and other enterprises, enabling them to achieve their objectives in an effective, efficient way; Provide advanced coverage on developing and maintaining affordable software systems that meet customer requirements and that behave reliably and efficiently; Provide training and develop competency in data engineering, big data and data analytics; and Provide technical knowledge, principles, technologies and tools required for safeguarding the computer systems, cyberspace and network infrastructure of organisations as well as the data stored on those systems. Mission and Vision We are committed to achieving the highest standards of quality in everything we do, including the creation of content, training methods, and tools. The result is simple: customer satisfaction worldwide. As a global training provider, our quality management approach is evident in our: Respect for our clients' requirements and keep our promises.
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Welcome to the Faculty of Computing website. Computing encompasses a broad-based exposure to the concepts, theories, technologies of computing, practices and experiences that are utilized for solving problems in all aspects of human endeavor through building safe, reliable, secure and resilient computer systems. We aim to create an enabling environment where students thrive and gain comprehensive education and broadened scientific knowledge in order to equip them with skills that will benefit them in their future and professional ambitions.
The Faculty of Science was founded in 2019. It is currently made up of three (3) departments: Computer Science, Cyber Security and Information Technology. The Faculty is a beehive of scientific activities where an exceptional group of scientists who not only rise to the top in their fields and create technologies that make a difference in Nigeria and beyond, but are dedicated to both postgraduate and undergraduate education. Their dedication is evident in their creative and innovative teaching methods and devotion to postgraduate and undergraduate students’ research and mentoring. We have linkages across the departments which our staff and students can benefit from in realizing advances in research.
On behalf of the entire members of the Faculty of Computing, I wish you well in your academic pursuit. I hope you will explore our Websites to gain additional insight into the various programmes we offer.


Dr. J.O. Agushaka
Ag, Dean, Faculty of Computing

Inaugural Lectures

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