Arabic Studies

Welcome to Department of Arabic Studies

A Bachelor’s degree in Arabic prepares the student to study a major global language. Some of objective of this programmed is to train students in Arabic language and literature to meet the needs of the labor marketandnationaltasks. Content of the programme includesaspectsof Arabic language and literature such as grammar, morphology, phonology, poetry, prose,elements of linguistics, andentrepreneurship. ThecurriculumaspirestoproducegraduateswhocantacklechallengesfacingArabicstudentsin the 21st century especially multifaceted relationships with the world around him and beyond. It is in this context that each graduate of Arabic should be able to relate venerably in his society and the world in general.
Arabic language is deeply relatedtothegeneralgrowthanddevelopmentofhumanbeingsintoday’s life, including and not limited to traditional, economical and political life. Teaching gand learning of Arabic is a vital instrument for acquiring, disseminating and application of knowledge. Arabic language is one of Nigerian Languages and the language of many sister African countries and a major international language.
TheobjectivesoftheBAArabic areto; 1. Introduce students to the phonology and script of classical/modern standard Arabic andcovers the basic morphology and syntax of the written language. Emphasis on thedevelopment of the four skills (reading, speaking, listening and writing).Samples ofmodern(contemporary)andclassicalstylesofwritingintroducedintobasicsyllabus,andaudio-visualmaterial fromthecontemporaryArabicmedia; 2. Undertake thorough review and continuation of literary (classic and modern) Arabicgrammarwithemphasisonreading,writing,speakingandlisteningcomprehension; 3. Acquaint the learner through reading of classical Islamic texts, with emphasis on Qur’ān,Hadîth,Sira,andTafsirLiterature;thecorpusof"Adab"(Belles-Lettres)literature,aswellasvarious pieces ofclassical Arabicpoetry; 4. Produce graduates conversant with contemporary political, social, religious, and culturalissues in the Arab world. Advanced reading and speaking skills, with some attention towritingandlisteningcomprehension;and 5. Enhancethecapacity ofthelearner.
Unique features of the programme
Emphases on the use of computer and digital technology in translation, Phonetics, Morphology etc
HOD's Profile
Admission Requirements
InadditiontoUTMErequirements,theprospectivecandidatefora4-yeardegreeprogramme isexpectedtohaveobtainedcreditpassesinfiveSeniorSecondaryCertificate(SSC)subjectsor its equivalent, which should include Arabic and English. Candidates with a recognizedUniversity/National diploma, NCE or their equivalents in Arabic language are also eligible foradmissionintoa3-yeardegreeprogrammethroughtheDirect EntryMode
Graduation Requirements
Tograduateinthisprogramme, acandidatemusthave: 1. completedandpassedallthecourseshe/sheregisteredfor,includingallcompulsorycoursesand required/electivecoursesasmaybeofferedbytheUniversity/Faculty; 2. completedandpassedtheprescribednumberofcourses,includingallcompulsorycourses; 3. obtainedaminimumCGPAspecified by theUniversity butnotlessthan1.0,and 4. earnedtheminimumcreditunitsofnotlessthan120forUTMEstudentsand90forDirectEntry.
Employability Skills
1. WiththeskillsacquiredinteachingArabicassecondlanguagethegraduateofthisprogrammecanbe employed as ArabicTeacher. 2. AftergoingthroughthecourseoncomputerhecanopenhisownArabicbusinesscentrefortypesetting andediting. 3. Alsothedoorisopenforhimtobeatranslator,interpreter,broadcasterorresearcheretc.

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Prof Dean

Prof Dean

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Prof Dean

Prof Dean

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Prof Dean

Prof Dean

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B.A. Arabic Studies
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