About Us
The office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs was established on 6th June, 2023 along with two other Deputy Vice Chancellors offices. The DVC (Academic Affairs) is headed by Professor Aleruchi Chuku as the first Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs.
The office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs, ensures the effective and efficient development of academic programmes and academic staff as well as ensuring effective academic development of students, and providing leadership to the academic and academic-related units of the University.
It also ensures that all academic staff make efforts to update their knowledge in line with current trends and technology through conferences, workshops exhibition and seminar.
Aims & objectives
1. Evaluating quality and performance of Faculties,
2. Supervising the Deans of faculties and Provosts of Colleges,
3. Providing leadership in creating and maintaining standards and policies,
4. Allocating and reallocating funds and resources to and from these programmes,
5. Receiving petitions on all academic matters for appropriate action, either from students or academic staff,
6. Coordinating activities of Examination and Time Table Committees,
7. Receiving petitions on all academic matters for appropriate action either from students or academic staff,
8. Ensuring smooth conduct of Post-UTME examinations for admission purpose.
9. Coordination of the Academic Planning Committee and the Academic Planning Directorate of the University as regards curriculum development, university data management and quality assurance. This is done by ensuring frequent updates in line with recent technology and current trends.
10. The DVC (Academic affairs) office ensures that all academic programmes in the University are accredited by the National Universities Commission (NUC) and other relevant academic and professional bodies.
11. Chairing Senate Business Committee of the University.
12. Chairing the University Accreditation Committee (UAC).
13. Ensures that all academic staff make efforts to update their knowledge in line with current trends and technology through conferences, workshops and seminar.
2. Supervising the Deans of faculties and Provosts of Colleges,
3. Providing leadership in creating and maintaining standards and policies,
4. Allocating and reallocating funds and resources to and from these programmes,
5. Receiving petitions on all academic matters for appropriate action, either from students or academic staff,
6. Coordinating activities of Examination and Time Table Committees,
7. Receiving petitions on all academic matters for appropriate action either from students or academic staff,
8. Ensuring smooth conduct of Post-UTME examinations for admission purpose.
9. Coordination of the Academic Planning Committee and the Academic Planning Directorate of the University as regards curriculum development, university data management and quality assurance. This is done by ensuring frequent updates in line with recent technology and current trends.
10. The DVC (Academic affairs) office ensures that all academic programmes in the University are accredited by the National Universities Commission (NUC) and other relevant academic and professional bodies.
11. Chairing Senate Business Committee of the University.
12. Chairing the University Accreditation Committee (UAC).
13. Ensures that all academic staff make efforts to update their knowledge in line with current trends and technology through conferences, workshops and seminar.
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Welcome Address
Welcome to Federal University of Lafia where dreams come true a place of knowledge and skill, we in FUlafia are in business of equipping our Students in both learning and character for highly effective manpower to the nation.