About Us
The philosophy of the Federal University of Lafia (FULAFIA) Centre for Disability Studies is to engender equal educational opportun8ties for all students and staff with special needs through empaty, reasonable accommodation. The centre is poised to providing support services in different disability areas to ensure academic and social accessibility of students with special needs in various educational programmes
1.Conducting Needs Assessment Survey: This is aimed at identifying the total numbers of students and staff with disabilities in the Federal University of Lafia. This is with the aim to ascertaining the data on types, degree of disability and in each Department for documentation
2. Awareness Creation: This will involve the production of banners, handbills, pamphlets and strategic walk within the two campuses for sensitization and awareness creation about the services expected of the directorate
3.Access and inclusivity :Promoting inclusive Constructions and buildings that are disability friendly.
Compliance to the national accessibility codes in buildings
4.Educational and Social Needs: Meeting with diverse clusters of students with disabilities and identifying
their educational cum social needs for interventions
5. Professional Services: Liaising with various department where PWDs are to assist in providing technical
support (Sign language interpreting, Brailing, Question papers, Oral examination etc) <br 6.Teacher Professional development : Training and re-training of lecturers on inclusive pedagogies and practices
7.Resource mobilization and Financing : Ensure sustainable funding inflows for implementing the activities of
the directorate
Aims & objectives
The aim of the Centre is to cater for the needs of staff and students with disabilities in the Federal University of Lafia. Specific objectives are to:
1.Register and keep records of persons with disabilities in terms of health, educational, diagnostic, psycho-educational and neuron-psychological testings’
2.Recommend the kind of ‘accommodation’ and modifications necessary to meet the needs of persons with disabilities (PWDs)
3. Organize training for faculty members on pedagogical skills and evaluation (both formative and summative) necessary to meeting best practices
4.Work alongside all stakeholders in the University on matters that relate to the wellbeing of PWDs.
5.Seek for the welfare of students with disabilities by searching for scholarship from Government, members of the public/corporate bodies
6.Collaborate with stakeholders (Ministries, Agencies, Parastatals, NGOs, Donor agencies Philanthropists etc) to support the centre and persons with disabilities.
7.Advise management on matters that border on disability laws and policies in the country
1.Register and keep records of persons with disabilities in terms of health, educational, diagnostic, psycho-educational and neuron-psychological testings’
2.Recommend the kind of ‘accommodation’ and modifications necessary to meet the needs of persons with disabilities (PWDs)
3. Organize training for faculty members on pedagogical skills and evaluation (both formative and summative) necessary to meeting best practices
4.Work alongside all stakeholders in the University on matters that relate to the wellbeing of PWDs.
5.Seek for the welfare of students with disabilities by searching for scholarship from Government, members of the public/corporate bodies
6.Collaborate with stakeholders (Ministries, Agencies, Parastatals, NGOs, Donor agencies Philanthropists etc) to support the centre and persons with disabilities.
7.Advise management on matters that border on disability laws and policies in the country
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