FULafia V-C calls for effective research collaborations

FULafia V-C calls for effective research collaborations
FULafia V-C calls for effective research collaborations
|By Paulinus Auta
The Vice-Chancellor, Federal University of Lafia (FULafia), Prof. Shehu Abdul Rahman, has stressed the importance of collaboration in achieving success in research.
Speaking at a workshop tagged: “Strategies for International Linkages and Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration,” he emphasised that research required funding, too.
Abdul Rahman noted that inter-university collaborations can enhance innovation and shape the future of higher education.
He expressed his gratitude to the organisers, including the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Partnerships, Prof. Dakyes, Director of Linkages and Advancement, Dr Fatima Adamude-Adis and Head of Staff Productivity Promotion Unit, Mrs Becky Kadjo.
Welcoming participants to the training, Mrs Becky Kadjo, said that the training was initiated by Prof. Samaila Dakyes with a view to improving the capacity of staff.
In his presentation, Dr. K’tso Ngargbu, the resource person, who spoke on the topic: “Strategies for International Linkages and Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration,” said that the key objectives of the training was to establish the need for partnership/collaboration between and among education institutions and industries and identify strategies for international linkages and research collaboration
Ngargbu shared his insights on establishing research collaborations, international linkages agreements and strategies for achieving university linkages and research collaborations, emphasising that “research collaboration offers numerous opportunities, encouraging participants to take the training seriously.
Attendees at the training included Prof. Aleruchi Chuku, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs, Prof. Is’haq Ali Shugaba, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Administration, and directors in the University.
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