Christmas greetings from Prof. M. S. Liman

On behalf of the Management of the Federal University of Lafia (FULafia), I wish to
felicitate with the staff, students and entire University Community on this occasion of Christmas and New Year celebrations.
Christmas is a season of joy, peace and love, I therefore, urge both staff and students of FULafia to imbibe the spirit of tolerance, love and peace as exemplified by Jesus Christ.
As we celebrate the two important events, we should continue to thank the Almighty God for His mercies and protection over our lives.
While we face the challenges posed to our country by the dreaded COVID-19 pandemic, insecurity and economic situation, we should, at this time, recommit ourselves to prayer for God to heal our national problems.
I, therefore, call on staff and students to pray harder for especially the return, sustenance and promotion of peace and security in Nigeria and development of FULafia in the years ahead.
I wish you all a blissful Christmas and New year celebrations!
Prof. Muhammad Sanusi Liman FSESN, FNIP